Musings of a Druidic Heathen

A Spiritual Slant on What It Means to Be an Active Participant in This World.

What Now?

Right Turn Clyde.

Yeah, I’m showing my age with that quote from a Clint Eastwood movie, but it’s a perfect analogy. The movie is “Any Which Way but Loose”, and even though it came out when I was 3, The fact that the Orangutan was trained to punch out whomever was on his right side at those words was hilarious, and something my parents let me watch (Not much else from the movie, but that, mind you.)

The line is sort of how I feel now. I’ve gone through a period of extreme growth as a person. I’ve stared the PTSD that had me paralyzed in the face and for the most part, have come to terms with it. I’m no longer in school for my masters degree, and I’ve taken on a job that has nowhere near the responsibilities of my previous one. I took a solid smack to everything that I was, hit the ground hard, and picked myself back up to live in an entirely different world.

In this world, there are some hard truths about some of the people in my life and I’m still learning how to manage those relationships. But my physical and mental health have been better than I ever imagined they could be. And the best part is for the first time, I’m finally connecting the metaphysical work I did as a young adult to the work I’m doing now.

But that leads me to the question of what to do with this blog. Does it turn into more of a metaphysical diary, where I document the work that I’ve been doing? Or do I only write it in with the results of that work? Do I continue to speak about the specifics of the divine that I’m working with, or shall I open it up to the metaphysical work that I’m doing in other aspects of my life? Overall, I’m certain that there are things that will be beneficial to others regardless of what topic. But this is more about what more do I show of myself. In this blog. In my previous ‘life’, I tried to separate the polytheism from my professional life. Now, it’s a lot harder to do that.

I am going to take some time to think about it, and maybe reach out to some blogging friends to see what they have to say. Overall, I think keeping the blog will be beneficial. It’s just figuring out where the blog fits that is going to be the question.

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